Welcome to Brighton 5 Deans u3a
No longer working full-time and over 50 years? Got time on your hands? Living in one of the Deans East of Brighton or nearby?
Ovingdean | Roedean | Rottingdean | Saltdean | Woodingdean |
Want to...
- meet like-minded people of a similar age?
- share learning, cultural, and social activities?
- and above all, have fun?
The Brighton Five Deans u3a is the local branch of the national U3A organisation, which is dedicated to bringing together “third agers” (over 50 and not working full-time) for shared interests and enjoyment. There are six u3a groups in Brighton, and thirty in Sussex, all managed independently by their members. Nationally, the u3a movement includes over 400,000 members in more than 1,000 u3a groups and is continuing to grow every day.
Monthly Meetings
We meet on the second Thursday of each month, with the exception of August, at St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale, Saltdean at 2.00pm. Refreshments are included. Most meetings feature a guest speaker. See Events for details. All are welcome to these meetings – Come along free for your first visit. You can join at any time of the year; contact us for more information.
Coffee Morning
Come and meet fellow u3a members for a chat and coffee. Venue and time in our Monthly News Bulletin.
And More
In addition to the monthly meetings, we have interest groups/classes, covering multiple topics such as art history, music appreciation, tai chi, lunches, walking, jazz appreciation, and outings. The groups meet in members’ houses or in local halls. These groups are free to members of the U3A. For a few groups, there’s a small charge as a contribution to the hire of the hall.
The National U3A organisation also runs Study Days, which Members of individual U3A's may attend, and Other Events, in which all Members may participate. There is also a Shared Learning Project and several other events, which Members of individual u3a's may attend.
Remember: No teachers, no exams... Just fun and friends!
Annual membership of the Five Deans u3a, which includes all of the above, is from 1st September to 31st August:
for singles £10
for couples £20
with additional £ 4.00 for the National u3a magazine
the above fees are reduced in January to end of August
for singles £7.50
for couples £14
and in April to end of August
for singles £3.75
for couples £7
If you are a Member of another u3a you enjoy a reduced price. All memberships ends on August 31st. You can find joining instructions by clicking on Membership Information